Monday, March 19, 2012

Irises are a growing!

The new seedlings are hardening off in the mini greenhouses outside. It's a sheltered spot to the side of the house but it's a positive first stage in their journey to the field!

About half of them are big enough to be outside, another quarter will go out this week and next week the last laggers will go out regardless of progress. The laggers are en-route to the a sticky end if I am honest, if they don't show any signs by mid April they're compost fodder!

This may sound harsh but the outside grown iris seeds are up, xMaslon 4 and x Headcorn 1,  small but up so in their natural, un-forced environment they would be going somewhere if they were going to. With all the seeds and seedlings being grown there really is not time or space for dawdlers.

The seedlings from "Welch's Reward" and "Medway Valley" from 2010/2011 are going great guns in the field, rhizomes fattening up nicely and about half are putting on some really good top growth.

Field Collection
The replant seems to have gone well, we've lost a couple of rhizomes but in known-to-be weaker varieties and we still have the pre-requisite 3 of each in the ground. Many of the more vigorous plants are shooting up top growth and languishing in the early spring heat.

A good weed and some spring fertiliser will stand them in good stead for the coming season.

Potted collection
I potted up about 150 plants at division time last year. We simply didn't have the space for them so they have been stored chez moi on the garden tables.
After a winter of squirrel ravaging and dull dampness I had though many of them would suffer, wither and die but not a bit of it, I've lost about 6 in total and the rest are storming away with strong green top growth and fat rhizomes.

Weeding and feeding will be required here too, though I suspect it will take a different form to field weeds and feeds!

If you are interested in buying some of the potted stock please email me. all varieties are £6 a pot (tall 1ltr) each plus postage or you can collect by arrangement.

Monday, March 5, 2012

British Iris Society - seed growing

I am, unsurprisingly a member of the British Iris society and every year there is a seed distribution. A LONG list of seeds that have come from breeders, nurseries, individuals and just about anywhere really all collected by Mrs Criddle and her assistant and then sorted out and offered to other enthusiasts. MTB seeds are always quite rare and gone fast but this year I managed to secure a batch with a promise to send lots of 'pods' from our plants in early September.

Last year I grew all the seeds we got from our MTB patch, this year I will need to be a bit more circumspect, space is an issue already and will only get worse as we add more and more cultivars.

Selectivity I think and Mrs C will no doubt be happy with an influx of MTB seeds.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Do you visit National (Plant) Collections?

We visited another National Collection which kinda puts ours in the shade, they have 2000 varieties packed into a front garden. Galanthophiles are a bit of a curiosity I will admit.

For more information about collections in your local area see the Plant Heritage website (also called NCCPG)

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